Parkson BioLac – Nitrification Denitrification

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Parkson BioLac – Nitrification Denitrification

About the Company:

Parkson is a supplier of equipment and solutions for potable water, process water, and industrial and municipal wastewater applications. Parkson designs, engineers and assembles the products it sells into the municipal wastewater and industrial wastewater segments. The company was founded in 1960 and has been owned by Axel Johnson Inc. since 1967.

About the Solution:

The Biolac® System is a well-accepted biological wastewater treatment process with over 25 years of experience and hundreds of successful installations treating municipal and industrial wastewater. Using an innovative long sludge age, activated sludge process, the Biolac® System provides an extremely simple and cost-effective solution for many treatment applications. The Biolac® process:

  • Uses longer hydraulic retention times with more biomass in the treatment process, providing a process that is extremely stable and able to handle fluctuating loads and flow with minimal operator intervention and without pre or post equalization.
  • Reliably produces single digit effluent BOD/TSS and excellent biological nitrification, consistently removing ammonia to well less than 1 mg/l, even in single digit wastewater temperatures.
  • Simplifies total nitrogen removal using the Biolac® Wave-Ox ™ process. Automatic DO and aeration control create multiple oxic and anoxic zones in a single treatment basin, eliminating the need for separate anoxic mixers and MLSS recycle flow and pumps. As a result, BNR energy usage is reduced by 20-30% vs. traditional BNR processes. Using the Wave-Ox ™ Plus process with ammonia based process control reduces energy consumption further.
  • Produces minimal quantities of well-stabilized, excess biomass that typically requires no further sludge treatment after leaving the process.
Most Biolac® Systems provide all these process capabilities in one, easy to construct, lined, in-ground earthen basin. This simple construction and the elimination of numerous other treatment steps (i.e. equalization, primary clarification, digestion, etc.) make the Biolac® System a very cost-effective and simple to operate solution. Many times an existing basin or lagoon can be modified to fit the Biolac® System, making it ideal for upgrading and retrofitting existing lagoon treatment systems.

Parkson 1401 West Cypress Creek Rd Fort Lauderdale, FL USA 1-888-PARKSON Visit Company Website

Solution Type

  • Nitrification Denitrification


  • Equipment Vendor


  • Other


  • GHG
  • Odor
  • Pathogens
  • Phosphorous

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Solution Strengths, Weaknesses and Critical Indicators

Nitrification/Denitrification Technologies:

  • No saleable product produced in most systems
  • Vermiculture and some other technologies do produce salable by-products (i.e. worms and worm castings)
  • Traditional and modified forms exist with years of experience treating municipal wastewater
  • Uses large, multiple reaction chambers seeded with both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria
  • Traditional concerns are capital cost, requiring large dedicated tanks and large power consumption for aeration.
  • Proven technology for phosphorous recovery, storage reduction, GHG reduction, odor control and pathogen reduction
  • This technology loses nitrogen as non-reactive nitrogen gas

Newtrient Comments/Opinions:

Nitrification/Denitrification Technologies:

  • No saleable product produced, nitrogen lost to the atmosphere
  • Nitrogen removed from manure and released to environment as non-reactive nitrogen gas
  • Traditional and modified forms exist with years of experience treating municipal wastewater
  • Uses large, multiple reaction chambers seeded with both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria
  • Traditional concerns are capital cost, requiring large dedicated tanks and large power consumption for aeration.
Parkson has worked with the dairy industry in the past to identify and implement solutions but they are not currently seeking any additional dairy based projects. Therefore, Parkson has not been evaluated using Newtrient's 9-point scoring process because they are not seeking any additional dairy based projects.

Newtrient 9-Point Scoring Rating

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