Have Questions About Newtrient’s Solutions Catalog?
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Anyone logging into the catalog section of the Newtrient web site can access the catalog by entering their name and email.
To ensure content accuracy, Newtrient collects information in the following ways:
- Information is pulled directly from the vendor’s web site.
- Through personal interviews with the vendor’s personnel.
- Vendors have been asked to review the information prior to it going live on the website, if it has not been reviewed it is marked as “Not Verified”.
- Case studies are drafted based on interviews and/or site visits with farmers and solution providers.
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Newtrient provides access to additional information such as Business Insights, Solutions Insights, and Expert Evaluations upon acquiring them from the vendor. If these elements are not present on a vendor’s page, and they have a low score, it is likely the vendor has not yet interacted with Newtrient to enhance their profile.
The Newtrient Solutions Scoring System (SSS) is designed to help all dairy farmers assess sustainability-related solutions and the markets available for solutions specific to their dairy farm.
Here is how it works:
- Every solution has the potential to earn a total of nine points with one point earned for each of the criterion noted below.
- Each criterion is specific so there is no arbitrary assessment by Newtrient.
- Information related to the score is often shared by the solution vendor by submitting a Business Information Request and a Technical Information Request that are then included on the solution page.
- Once a score goes live, the solution vendor can provide additional information to Newtrient at any point in time for review and adjustments to their respective score.
The Newtrient Solutions Scoring System is applied to Additives, Practices, Services, and Technologies in slightly different ways. The following is a general outline for the Newtrient Solutions Scoring System for a more detailed explanation see the Solution Scoring page:
Commercial Viability
- OPERATIONAL HISTORY – The solution is currently operational on North American dairy farms. (3 for technology, 10 for Additives, Practices, and Services)
- OPERATIONAL RELIABILITY – The solution has a record of reliable performance of more than 12 months (10 years for practices) on North American dairy farms. (3 for technology, 10 for Additives, Practices, and Services)
- PENETRATION – The solution has been installed, utilized, or practiced on North American dairy farms. (100 farms for Practices, and 10 for Services and Technologies). For Additives the criteria is SCIENTIFIC VALIDATION– The additive has been studied by an independent research group to verify its performance and the results have been published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Economic Transparency
- CAPITAL COST – Installed capital costs are clearly defined and understood by the Newtrient Technology Advancement Team.
- OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE COST – Actual operations and maintenance costs are clearly defined and understood by the Newtrient Technology Advancement Team.
- VALUE PROPOSITION – The solution or the products it makes, delivers to the farm identifiable economic, environmental, or community value (e.g., reduced cost, increased income, reduced odor, improved nutrient use, etc.).
Transparency & Interaction
- VENDOR INFORMATION SHARING – Completed and verified Newtrient Business and Solution Information Requests have been submitted to Newtrient by the vendor.
- CASE STUDY – A case study demonstrating the performance claimed by the vendor was completed by the Newtrient Solution Advancement Team.
- FUNDING AVAILABILITY– The additive is supported by state and national funding programs for implementation on dairy farms.
Newtrient is a cooperative funded organization that supports all dairymen. If you have questions or learn of a solution that should be included in the catalog, please contact us. If you feel Newtrient adds value to your operation, encourage your cooperative to participate and support Newtrient by becoming a member cooperative.
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