Environmental Solutions for Dairy

Our Mission

Reduce the environmental footprint of dairy and make it economically viable to do so.

Our Priorities


Manure-Based Products


Environmental Markets


Innovative Solutions

How Dairy Benefits from Market-Driven Solutions

Learn more about Ecosystem Services Markets and other efforts underway to create a more economically sustainable path to improved water quality.

Recent Newtrient Content

What I Learned About Newtrient and the Dairy Industry

Although I am originally from a small farming community in Ohio, prior to interning with Newtrient, I wasn’t familiar with the dairy industry, let alone the manure management and nutrient recovery solution opportunities for dairy farms.

Newtrient Releases Progress on Dairy Manure Management and Nutrient Recovery Solutions

As Newtrient LLC enters its third year, we want to share progress toward a new economic future for dairy on the part of 12 leading dairy cooperatives, Dairy Management Inc. (DMI) and National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF).

Newtrient Presents “Magic of Manure” Panel at 2018 US Dairy Sustainability Forum

Each year, the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy gathers experts from academic, government and nongovernment organizations as members of the Dairy Sustainability Alliance to measure, improve and communicate dairy’s role in a sustainable food system. The Forum also recognizes dairy farms, businesses and partnerships whose practices are leading the way in providing consumers with nutritious dairy products, while making the earth economically, environmental and socially better – now and for years to come.

From the Solutions Catalog

LI-COR – Eddy Covariance Systems

LI-COR – Trace Gas Analyzers

LI-COR – LI-710 Evapotranspiration Sensor

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