Bloomenergy – Biogas Fuel Cells

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Bloomenergy – Biogas Fuel Cells


About the Company:

Bloom Energy (NYSE: BE) traces its roots to work performed by KR Sridhar, Bloom Founder and CEO, for NASA’s Mars Exploration program.

With a deployed fleet of 1GW+ across 900+ sites (as of June 2023), Bloom Energy is a leader in dependable, distributed, clean energy generation and resiliency. Bloom Energy’s solid-oxide fuel cells use an electrochemical, non-combustion process to generate clean, highly efficient power on-site from biogas, natural gas, renewable natural gas, renewable hydrogen, or blends of these fuels.

About the Solution:

Bloom’s Energy Servers can use biogas to create clean electricity without the significant upgrading and interconnection complexity required for Renewable Natural Gas projects.

Bloom’s industry leading electrical efficiency of 50%+ generates 30% to 50% more electricity from a fixed volume of biogas compared to traditional forms of biogas-based power generation. Additionally, the excess heat from the system can be captured for use for digester heating or other onsite heating purposes.

Bloom Energy Servers also improve air quality, by generating electricity without combustion. Criteria contaminants are a class of smog-forming air contaminants regulated by the EPA, including nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx). Bloom’s non-combustion-based fuel cells emit virtually no air contaminants, use no water during operation, use little land, and reduce or eliminate CO2 emissions.

Case Study:

The Bar20 dairy in Kerman California, a 7500 dairy cow farm, deployed 1 MW of Bloom Energy Servers to meet its onsite electricity needs and sell the environmental attributes into the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program. The project received numerous awards and was featured in a BBC Story works mini film that can be viewed here.

Bloomenergy 4353 North First Street San Jose, CA USA 408-543-1500 Visit Company Website

Solution Type

  • General Support and Other


  • Equipment Vendor


  • Energy


  • GHG
  • Odor
  • Pathogens

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Solution Strengths, Weaknesses and Critical Indicators

NOTE: There are multiple technologies that are used as part of integrated manure management systems and yet are not manure management types on their own. The impact of these technologies on their own would be minimal or very difficult to quantify.

General Support & Other:

  • Can be an integral part of many manure management systems
  • Most projects have at least some equipment that supports operations of the main technology
  • This technology is not evaluated on its own, the NEAT Matrix for this technology is neutral unless utilized with other technologies.

Newtrient Comments/Opinions:

Newtrient will continue to work with Bloomenergy to further refine the cost and performance information as more information becomes available and as new commercial dairy installations come on line.

Newtrient 9-Point Scoring Rating

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