Camco – Project Development

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Camco – Project Development

Clean Energy

About the Company:

Camco is a developer, investment advisor, and asset management firm focused on biogas, renewable distributed generation, and environmental commodities. It developed and continues to manage a carbon credit portfolio comprised of over 25 projects for California’s compliance market. This portfolio represents roughly 50% of that market segment.  Camco also developed and owned two of the largest ag-waste-to-energy projects in North America and continues to manage one of those for its investment partner. Camco’s team has developed and owned landfill gas, coal methane, combined heat and power, wind power, and waste to energy.

About the Solution:

Camco works at the early stage of the biogas project development process. Camco has expertise, resources, and capital to work to advance projects from concept to implementation. This could entail advancing a project though the early permitting, feed stock negotiations, off-take contracting (PPA or commodity sales), engineering, technology selection and financial structuring. Camco has developed, owned, and operated 6.5MW of installed capacity at two anaerobic digestions projects in Idaho. Camco sold the digester but has continued to manage one of the projects for an investment partner.  Camco is also active as a developer for both greenfield and stranded assets on behalf of this same investment group. Once repositioned, Camco would add the new projects to its asset management portfolio.  Camco has a specialized knowledge in both asset repositioning and optimization. Its development process can occur through partnerships with a project in the development track or they can develop a stand-alone project sourced and managed internally.

In the development of its projects, Camco seeks proven, time-tested technologies that are more easily under writable and provide a lower long-term operating risk. With over 25 years of experience, Camco has shown that performance-based contracting is the best approach to create a cost-effective project. Camco has a broad appreciation and understanding of the technologies choices available. It believes an agnostic approach to technology selection produces the lowest cost, lowest risk, and highest quality end result. Though the waste to energy market technologies are similar, feedstocks, throughput, permitting constraints, and commercial realities demand customized engineering and commercial solutions. Camco’s approach reduces the overall risk for both financing and long-term operations.

Camco offers asset management services for projects it has developed/owned as well as assets developed, operated and owned by 3rd parties. The asset management services do not include the physical operations of the project. Resources and efforts focus on strategic asset planning, optimization and decision making. This allows Camco to be specialized while minimizing headcount. Camco has capacity to offer services that include but are not limited to the following:

  • Permitting and ongoing environmental management
  • Engineering oversite Interconnection and utility interaction (biogas and power)
  • Host interaction and management of commercial relations
  • Commodity sales channel management/strategic decision making
  • Banking and accounting oversite needed for auditing and lending support
  • Management of contracted operating services
Camco has a history of development, asset repositioning, and strategic asset management designed to reduce the risk for investor capital and evolve a projects potential based on evolving policies and opportunities.

Camco 333 Perry Street, Suite 301 Castle Rock, CO USA (720) 897-6677 Visit Company Website

Solution Type

  • Anaerobic Digestion


  • Project Developer


  • Energy
  • Other
  • Services


  • GHG
  • Odor
  • Pathogens

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Solution Strengths, Weaknesses and Critical Indicators

Anaerobic Digestion:

  • Long usable life and can be run reliably
  • Creates energy and generates environmental credits
  • Proper feeding & system monitoring is required to avoid system downtime
  • Proven technology for odor control
  • Proven technology for GHG reduction
  • Proven technology for pathogen reduction
  • Different types of systems produce varying gas production rates
  • Requires proper preparation of the feedstock
  • Requires other technologies for energy utilization
  • Requires other technologies for digestate handling
  • Requires other technologies to prevent nitrogen loss
  • Complex systems may require expertise not available on-farm

Newtrient Comments/Opinions:

Anaerobic Digester technology

  • Is proven technology for odor, GHG and pathogen reduction and energy production
  • Has a long usable life and can be run reliably
  • Require proper preparation of the feedstock
  • Usually requires other technologies for energy utilization
  • Usually requires other technologies for digestate handling
  • Proper feeding & system monitoring is required to avoid system downtime

Camco is a project developer that is working with the dairy community to develop anaerobic digestion projects across the country. Camco currently has multiple digesters producing electricity and is working on a renewable natural gas model for several other dairies.


Newtrient has had contact with Camco regarding the status and the progress of their projects. At this time there is limited information available regarding specific costs and business structure of the individual projects but Newtrient is requesting this information. Camco has shared a strong commitment to the dairy industry and has been responsible for several projects and is related to many more through their carbon credit sales. Newtrient fully supports this commitment and commends this type of partnering to bring value to the dairy industry.

Newtrient 9-Point Scoring Rating

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