DVO, Inc. – Phosphorus Recovery

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DVO, Inc. – Phosphorus Recovery

Renewables at Work

About the Company:

Largely due to unparalleled performance: DVO’s anaerobic digester (AD) systems greatly reduce odors, are cost-effective, scalable, operate automatically and require low maintenance. DVO is the U.S. market leader for AD and environmental engineering, providing reliable, proven solutions and services to industry and agriculture for over 22 years.

About the Solution:

DVO’s Phosphorus Recovery (PR) step economically captures for re-use up to 95% of the phosphorus found in agricultural and industrial wastes – creating a nutrient-condensed, stackable solid product that can be sold and/or transported away from sensitive watersheds to land that really needs it. Significant amounts of nitrogen and micronutrients that are absent from long-depleted farmland are also recovered.

DVO’s “PR”, is a recent recipient of the U.S. EPA’s Nutrient Challenge Award, allows DVO to optionally and cost-effectively perform more aggressive waste treatment, even to the point of water-reuse. DVO solutions kill pathogens and minimize odors, recycle valuable nutrients, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and produce renewable energy 24/7 – while remaining highly robust, scalable, and providing a positive economic return.

DVO, Inc. 820 W. Main Street Chilton, WI USA 920-849-9797 Visit Company Website

Solution Type

  • Chemical Flocculation


  • Equipment Vendor
  • Project Developer


  • Concentrated Nutrients
  • Energy
  • Fiber


  • GHG
  • Nitrogen
  • Odor
  • Phosphorous
  • Storage

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Solution Strengths, Weaknesses and Critical Indicators

Chemical flocculation technologies remove the non-dissolved particles from the waste stream typically resulting in irrigation quality “tea water”:

  • Produces a clay like cake which is high in phosphorus and with significant amounts of organic nitrogen.
  • Supported technologies include belt presses, centrifuges, dissolved air flotation systems and others; all requiring flocculants to achieve high rates of solids removal
  • There is significant variation of chemical and energy use depending on site and by technology
  • There is significant variation of operational intensity depending on site and by technology
  • There is significant variation of cost depending on site and by technology
  • Proven technology for nitrogen recovery, phosphorous recovery, storage reduction, GHG reduction, and odor control

Newtrient Comments/Opinions:

Suspended solids/phosphorus recovery technologies:

  • Produces a concentrated source of phosphorus from a renewable source
  • Include belt presses, centrifuges, dissolved air flotation systems and others
  • There is significant variation of chemical and energy use by site and by technology
  • There is significant variation of operational intensity by site and by technology
  • There is significant variation of cost by site and by technology
DVO has invested years of R&D into modifications of traditional dissolved air flotation concepts for application to dairy manure and dairy manure digestate. Their resulting phosphorus recovery system is installed at commercial scale on multiple dairies, other animal farms and co-digestion facilities. While still relatively new to the market, DVO has supplied Newtrient with considerable data and client experiences with early results pointing to a successful and robust technology capable of meeting performance expectations in regard to solids, phosphorus, and nitrogen removal while producing a stackable product at a few cents per cow per day on most systems.

Newtrient will continue to work with DVO to further refine the cost and performance information as more information comes in with both new installations and increased time of operation.

Newtrient 9-Point Scoring Rating

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