NRCS Practice Standard

Solution Strengths, Weaknesses and Critical Indicators

Overall Summary

NRCS Conservation Practice Standards contain information on why and where practices are applied, and they set forth the minimum planning criteria that must be met during the implementation of a practice in order for it to achieve its intended purpose(s).

The national conservation practice standards should not be used to plan, design, or install a conservation practice. You must have the conservation practice standard adapted and modified by the state in which you are working to insure that you meet all state and local criteria, which may be more restrictive than national criteria.

State conservation practice standards are available through the NRCS Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG). If no state conservation practice standard is available in the FOTG, you should contact the appropriate NRCS State Office or your local USDA Service Center.

Updated or new national conservation practice standards are released with NRCS National Handbook of Conservation Practices (NHCP) notices.

Solutions Providers in order of 9-Point Scoring System

Watering Facility (614) A watering facility is a means of providing drinking water to livestock or wildlife. Practice Information A watering facility is used to provide livestock and/or wildlife with drinking water to meet their daily needs. Proper location of a trough improves animal distribution and vegetation associated with the…
Residue and Tillage Management, No Till (329) The residue and tillage management, no till practice addresses the amount, orientation, and distribution of crop and other plant residue on the soil surface year-round. Crops are planted and grown in narrow slots or tilled strips established in the untilled seedbed of the…
Forage Harvest Management (511) Forage harvest management includes timely cutting and removal of forages as hay, green-chop, or ensilage. Practice Information This practice applies to all land uses where forage is machine harvested. Forage is harvested at a frequency and height that optimizes the desired forage stand, plant community, and…
Water Well (642) A hole drilled, dug, driven, bored, jetted, or otherwise constructed into an aquifer for agricultural water supply. Practice Information This practice is used to provide: Adequate livestock water quality and quantity; Water for terrestrial wildlife; and/or Irrigation water. This practice requires appropriate design and installation to function…
Pumping plant (Code 533) A pumping plant is a facility that delivers water at a designed pressure and flow rate to meet a conservation need. Components of the facility include the required pump, associated power unit, plumbing, and necessary appurtenances. It also may include onsite fuel or energy sources and…
Waste Facility Closure (360) The decommissioning of a facility where agricultural waste has been treated or stored and is no longer used for the intended purpose. Practice Information The purpose of this practice is to: Protect the quality of surface water and groundwater resources; Mitigate air emissions; Eliminate a safety…
Underground Outlet – Riser (620) A conduit or system of conduits installed beneath the ground surface to convey surface water to a suitable outlet. Practice Information The purpose of the underground outlet is to carry excess surface water to a suitable outlet from terraces, water and sediment control basins, diversions,…
Trails and Walkways (575) A trail is a constructed path with a vegetated or earthen surface. A walkway is a constructed path with an artificial surface. A trail/walkway is used to facilitate the movement of animals, people, or off-road vehicles. Practice Information This practice is used where there is a…
Stream Crossing (578) A stream crossing is a stabilized area, or a structure constructed across a stream to provide a travel way for people, livestock, equipment, or vehicles. Practice Information Stream crossings can be used to provide access to another field or area, improve water quality by reducing sediment and…
Sprinkler System (Code 442) The sprinkler system practice uses a distribution system to apply water through a nozzle that is operated under pressure. Practice Information The purpose of a sprinkler system is to apply water uniformly and efficiently to land. The controlled application improves plant productivity, prevents nutrient and other…