Solutions Catalog

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Welcome to Newtrient’s Solutions Catalog

Search for solutions used to treat and manage manure and other ways to reduce the impact you have on the environment.

The Montrose Biogas Team works with farm owners and developers on the process development, design, engineering, technology selection, building, commissioning, startup as well as providing operations and maintenance of anaerobic digester and landfill gas-to-energy projects around the U.S. They collaborate closely with all stakeholders to focus on finding better solutions for…
Trailers: RenewGas works with each customer to match the right trailer type and capacity to the performance requirements of the project, including gas output, compression, available space, as well as permit and regulatory limits. Trailers are dedicated to the individual customer and assigned to the specific farm. They employ a range…
U.S. Gain is partnering with farmers, landfill owners and municipalities transforming their waste to clean, renewable natural gas to be used as alternative fuel or thermal energy. They manage as much of a development project as necessary – from site development, project management, quality planning and regulation requirements. Further, their…
In the Vermont Organics Reclamation (VOR) process, manure is lifted out of the manure pit into a screen separator and screw press, where 20% of the phosphorus is removed from the manure. The bi-products from the process are transported to a newly built state-of-the-art greenhouse in St. Albans and used to…
Protect Solids Handling Pumps With The World’s Leading Grinder Solids Handling Pumps may not be able to handle large debris. You can protect your solids handling pump and any other downstream equipment by installing a Monster Industrial HYDRO grinder. The 3-HYDRO and 4-HYDRO Open Channel grinders can handle must larger debris…
Vegetated Treatment Area (635) A Vegetated Treatment Area is an area of permanent vegetation used for agricultural wastewater treatment. Practice Information Vegetated treatment areas are used to improve water quality by reducing loading of nutrients, organics, pathogens, and other contaminants associated with animal manure and other wastes and wastewater by…
Waste Treatment (629) Waste Treatment is the use of mechanical, chemical, or biological technologies to change the characteristics of manure and agricultural waste. Practice Information The treatment of manure or agricultural waste is used to improve water quality in surface and groundwater by better management of excess nutrients from manure…
Access Control (472) Access control includes temporary or permanent exclusion of animals, people, vehicles, and equipment from an area. Practice Information Controlling access is often used to protect, maintain, or improve the quantity and quality of natural resources in an area. The purpose also includes aesthetic resources as well as…
Amendments for Treatment of Agricultural Waste (591) The addition of chemical or biological additives to manure, process wastewater, contaminated storm water runoff, or other wastes to reduce adverse effects on air and/or water. Practice Information The purpose of this practice is to change the characteristics of the waste stream to…
Conservation Cover (327) Conservation cover is establishing and maintaining perennial vegetative cover to protect soil and water resources on lands needing permanent protective cover that will not be used for forage production. Practice Information Conservation cover reduces soil erosion and sedimentation, enhances wildlife habitat, and improves water quality. Conservation cover…

How the Catalog Works

Creating Connections
And Opportunities

Every dairy farmer’s nutrient management needs and business goals are unique. That’s why we have created this unique catalog to make it easier for dairy farmers to access information and make decisions regarding nutrient management specific to their operations and goals.
Visit the Solutions Catalog Scoring System page to read more about the Newtrient 9-Point Scoring Systems and Designations.

Unique Solution
Assessment Scoring System

Every solution is evaluated based on nine criteria developed by Newtrient’s Solution Advancement Team (SAT). The 9-Point Scores indicate the status and assist in tracking the progress of the additives, practices, technologies and services.
Contact Newtrient with any questions about our evaluation process, or any of the solutions in which you are interested.

Catalog Scoring System

Read more about the Newtrient 9-point scoring systems and designations.

Manure 101

View technologies that are commonly used to treat and manage manure.

Solutions Catalog FAQs

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Explore Solutions Vendors

DVO Inc Two Stage Linear VortexTM digesters

DVO Inc Phosphorus Recovery

California Bioenergy LLC Covered Lagoon Digester

JWC Environmental Inline Grinder Pump

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