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Welcome to Newtrient’s Solutions Catalog

Search for solutions used to treat and manage manure and other ways to reduce the impact you have on the environment.

Every dairy farmer using sand bedding is well acquainted with the challenges in handling slurry containing large quantities of sand. Stjernholm’s customized solutions help dairy farmers meet these challenges, offering simple, reliable and smart systems to handle manure-laden containing sand. Stjernholm’s process of handling manure with sand is unique and…
Designed to recycle biosolids and biowaste into me-thane and valuable byproducts, SUEZ’s Monsal advanced digestion (AD) technologies use bacteria in the absence of oxygen to break down matter to create biogas. The biogas can be combusted or oxidized and used for heating or with a gas engine to produce electricity…
The TurboTec® hydrolysis organic material in a reactor by treating this material at high temperature and pressure. The TurboTec® is a continuous version of thermal hydrolysis (cTHP) and recovers its heat via heat exchangers and mixing/separation of the incoming and hydrolysed material. The patented continuous Turbotec® process treats organic material…
The Nutritec® is a unique technology to recover nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater by struvite precipitation followed by membrane ammonia stripping resulting in ammonium sulfate. The Nutritec technology can be used to recover nutrients from reject water, concentrated industrial wastewater, or even separately collected urine. Phosphate is recovered via struvite precipitation…
Wastewater Storage Tanks In today’s wastewater market, Tank Connection’s RTP (rolled, tapered panel) bolted tank design coated with LIQ Fusion 7000 FBE™ is unmatched in performance compared to all other bolted tank designs. The facts on Tank Connection and wastewater storage: Tank Connection’s proprietary LIQ Fusion FBE™ is NSF 61-approved and…
We’re looking for people and projects to invest in. Realize the value of your carbon project today.   Climate Trust Capital, an independent firm of the mission-driven nonprofit The Climate Trust, has launched a first-of-its-kind investment fund to commit $5.5 million into innovative, U.S.-based carbon offset projects in forestry, grassland conservation,…
ThermChem’s primary technology is Hydrothermal Carbonization, using temperatures and pressures to convert high moisture feedstocks into valuable products.
The Trident Wave Separator is a sludge thickener that concentrates dilute sludge. The equipment is typically implemented after primary separation, that removes the large fiber from manure, to process the remaining sludge and separate fine solids. The Wave Separator achieves significant volume reduction which also helps reduce the downstream treatment…
Ultrafiltration suitable for manure treatment applications Membrane filtration technologies are well established in industrial water filtration processes. However, many traditional membrane systems are impractical for on-farm use, specifically for manure treatment: rapid fouling, declining flux rates, limited operating ranges (due to the impact of temperature, pH, corrosion or pressure), poor…
If compression is not required, Unison Solutions can provide the same level of gas conditioning for use with your blower or compressor. Whether you require filtration, condensate removal, or heat transfer, Unison Solutions can build a system for your application. They can also provide passive drying systems for process gases…

How the Catalog Works

Creating Connections
And Opportunities

Every dairy farmer’s nutrient management needs and business goals are unique. That’s why we have created this unique catalog to make it easier for dairy farmers to access information and make decisions regarding nutrient management specific to their operations and goals.
Visit the Solutions Catalog Scoring System page to read more about the Newtrient 9-Point Scoring Systems and Designations.

Unique Solution
Assessment Scoring System

Every solution is evaluated based on nine criteria developed by Newtrient’s Solution Advancement Team (SAT). The 9-Point Scores indicate the status and assist in tracking the progress of the additives, practices, technologies and services.
Contact Newtrient with any questions about our evaluation process, or any of the solutions in which you are interested.

Catalog Scoring System

Read more about the Newtrient 9-point scoring systems and designations.

Manure 101

View technologies that are commonly used to treat and manage manure.

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Explore Solutions Vendors

DVO Inc Two Stage Linear VortexTM digesters

DVO Inc Phosphorus Recovery

California Bioenergy LLC Covered Lagoon Digester

JWC Environmental Inline Grinder Pump

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