Solutions Catalog

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Welcome to Newtrient’s Solutions Catalog

Search for solutions used to treat and manage manure and other ways to reduce the impact you have on the environment.

The LWR First Wave System offers powerful solids separation in a simple, easy to install, fully automated system. The result is a valuable solid fertilizer material containing up to 99% of the organics, including organic nitrogen and phosphorus, that can be economically exported to far away fields. The First Wave…
Jim Vaughan invented the first chopper pump back in 1960, after working on local dairymen’s pumps in his repair shop and realizing the need to “chop” the solids while pumping. Since then, Vaughan chopper pumps have been successfully applied on dairies where high reliability and low maintenance are demanded. Applications…
Animal Mortality Facility (316) An animal mortality facility is an on-farm facility for the treatment or disposal of livestock and poultry carcasses for routine and catastrophic mortality events. Practice Information An animal mortality facility is designed to reduce odor impacts, as well as the impacts to soil and groundwater resources,…
Livestock Pipeline (516) A livestock pipeline is a pipeline installed to convey water for livestock or wildlife. Practice Information The purpose of a Livestock Pipeline is to convey water from the source of supply to the points of use. This practice is also used to reduce energy use. Normally, the…
Irrigation Pipeline (430) A pipeline and appurtenances installed to convey water for storage or application as part of an irrigation water system. Practice Information A properly designed and installed irrigation pipeline will convey water to an irrigation system or storage location in a way that minimizes water loss. For some…
Residue and Tillage Management, No Till (329) The residue and tillage management, no till practice addresses the amount, orientation, and distribution of crop and other plant residue on the soil surface year-round. Crops are planted and grown in narrow slots or tilled strips established in the untilled seedbed of the…
Stream Crossing (578) A stream crossing is a stabilized area, or a structure constructed across a stream to provide a travel way for people, livestock, equipment, or vehicles. Practice Information Stream crossings can be used to provide access to another field or area, improve water quality by reducing sediment and…
Trails and Walkways (575) A trail is a constructed path with a vegetated or earthen surface. A walkway is a constructed path with an artificial surface. A trail/walkway is used to facilitate the movement of animals, people, or off-road vehicles. Practice Information This practice is used where there is a…
Watering Facility (614) A watering facility is a means of providing drinking water to livestock or wildlife. Practice Information A watering facility is used to provide livestock and/or wildlife with drinking water to meet their daily needs. Proper location of a trough improves animal distribution and vegetation associated with the…
Subsurface Drip Irrigation-Effluent (SDI-E) for Dairies Netafim USA patented its subsurface drip irrigation-effluent (SDI-E) technology that uses advanced filtration and proprietary technology to blend dairy wastewater (effluent) with fresh water at an optimum ratio through monitoring of the electrical conductivity (EC) in the water as it passes by a sensor.…

How the Catalog Works

Creating Connections
And Opportunities

Every dairy farmer’s nutrient management needs and business goals are unique. That’s why we have created this unique catalog to make it easier for dairy farmers to access information and make decisions regarding nutrient management specific to their operations and goals.
Visit the Solutions Catalog Scoring System page to read more about the Newtrient 9-Point Scoring Systems and Designations.

Unique Solution
Assessment Scoring System

Every solution is evaluated based on nine criteria developed by Newtrient’s Solution Advancement Team (SAT). The 9-Point Scores indicate the status and assist in tracking the progress of the additives, practices, technologies and services.
Contact Newtrient with any questions about our evaluation process, or any of the solutions in which you are interested.

Catalog Scoring System

Read more about the Newtrient 9-point scoring systems and designations.

Manure 101

View technologies that are commonly used to treat and manage manure.

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Explore Solutions Vendors

DVO Inc Two Stage Linear VortexTM digesters

DVO Inc Phosphorus Recovery

California Bioenergy LLC Covered Lagoon Digester

JWC Environmental Inline Grinder Pump

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